Date/Time Constraint selected: D 02/17/
 Full Search Query:  {D 02/17/} 
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Q Drops: 39
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Visitors (last) - Minute: 40 Hour: 789 24 Hours: 7826  
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 21:29:50 ID: 73bdd5
8kun/qresearch: 8168745

To be blunt….
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 21:27:37 ID: 73bdd5
8kun/qresearch: 8168706
Do people really believe this [attack] can happen against the President of the United States and nothing will happen?
Moves and countermoves.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 17:15:23 ID: c0e5f6
8kun/qresearch: 8166492

Image Name: D2h15vzXcAAY56x.png
Filename: 3ed49c12ee2cf34029fc76e9eedb9de70db31e4c579763b99939f88e9a8e9efe.png

Image Search Tags:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 17:11:14 ID: c0e5f6
8kun/qresearch: 8166443

Image Name: EMfJo6SVAAEfQdA.png
Filename: 9c15796cd2aa0a6bafdb51a9d5727c4f16ae6b6a6f4252c12908ccdb0a636ed4.png

Image Search Tags:
Purpose: [D]s install numerous rules and regs re: [D] party nomination winner?
Define 'superdelegates'.
How do you control the outcome?
Why is the outcome important?
When [GS] calls who races to answer?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 12:26:39 ID: 31bd84
8kun/qresearch: 8163987
[Pg 203]
"The OPA Supervisor said that he later learned that former President Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI security detail and let them know that the former President wanted to meet with Lynch. Although Lynch’s staff was supposed to receive notice of such requests, witnesses told us that they were not informed of the request from former President Clinton."
Date of tarmac meeting?
Date of [HRC] investigation END announcement?
1 + 1 = 2
It's going to be a very hot [spring/summer].
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 23:34:08 ID: e18749
8chan/qresearch: 5236220

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 22:02:02 ID:87d0f5
8chan/qresearch: 5234560
Barr to Mueller:
“Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing.”
Mueller to Bart:
“With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc”
Barr to Mueller:
“Mandate was clear - verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.” “What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted and verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.” “FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?” “Why were questions and threat of subpoena communicated to the President if no factual foundation existed?”
“All charges thus far are unrelated to the original mandate - why are you still active and pursuing a crime if no verifiable evidence or evidence through discovery exists?”
Barr to RR:
“What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?” “What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?” “Why did you recommend to Sessions that he should recuse?” “Why wasn’t the mandate / budget and regular updates provided to Congress upon request?” “Why is everything kept confidential and under inappropriate classification?” “Was the purpose of investigating to find a crime vs investigate evidence of a crime?”
CLAS 1-99

Do you believe in coincidences?
Kitchen is HOT.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 22:03:09 ID: 87d0f5
8chan/qresearch: 5234583

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 22:02:02 ID:87d0f5
8chan/qresearch: 5234560
Barr to Mueller:
“Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing.”
Mueller to Bart:
“With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc”
Barr to Mueller:
“Mandate was clear - verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.” “What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted and verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.” “FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?” “Why were questions and threat of subpoena communicated to the President if no factual foundation existed?”
“All charges thus far are unrelated to the original mandate - why are you still active and pursuing a crime if no verifiable evidence or evidence through discovery exists?”
Barr to RR:
“What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?” “What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?” “Why did you recommend to Sessions that he should recuse?” “Why wasn’t the mandate / budget and regular updates provided to Congress upon request?” “Why is everything kept confidential and under inappropriate classification?” “Was the purpose of investigating to find a crime vs investigate evidence of a crime?”
CLAS 1-99

Disregard any misspelling.
On the move.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 22:02:02 ID: 87d0f5
8chan/qresearch: 5234560

Barr to Mueller:
“Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing.”
Mueller to Bart:
“With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc”
Barr to Mueller:
“Mandate was clear - verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.” “What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted and verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.” “FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?” “Why were questions and threat of subpoena communicated to the President if no factual foundation existed?”
“All charges thus far are unrelated to the original mandate - why are you still active and pursuing a crime if no verifiable evidence or evidence through discovery exists?”
Barr to RR:
“What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?” “What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?” “Why did you recommend to Sessions that he should recuse?” “Why wasn’t the mandate / budget and regular updates provided to Congress upon request?” “Why is everything kept confidential and under inappropriate classification?” “Was the purpose of investigating to find a crime vs investigate evidence of a crime?”
CLAS 1-99
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 19:06:10 ID: 7e50a0
8chan/qresearch: 5231163

Anonymous 02/17/2019 19:00:43 ID:095610
8chan/qresearch: 5231025
Image Name: Screenshot 2019-02-17_19-00-19-862.jpg
Filename: 634a07c79c3a9801b48f6ec1393de6d429032a16e1584c38e7a216098b0ab950.jpg

3 [0] Deltas today sir

Image Search Tags:

Well done, Patriot.
Important to note 'Q' drops just prior to POTUS.
Something BIG is coming.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 18:51:27 ID: 6ab280
8chan/qresearch: 5230818

Graphic request.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 18:47:31 ID: 6ab280
8chan/qresearch: 5230708

Anonymous 02/17/2019 18:45:57 ID:d2a676
8chan/qresearch: 5230665
Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: c90104ce5a97a6599d5aea5a52e431f07f3901b38b1f7292dcd8deebb94fcc4c.png

Image Search Tags:

(3) today?
What are the odds of that?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 18:44:38 ID: 6ab280
8chan/qresearch: 5230632

Anonymous 02/17/2019 18:32:20 ID:169dca
8chan/qresearch: 5230378
Image Name: Influential POTUS.PNG
Filename: a733a85d2c7ffa41b3bd2c830226827798c431a4ee4855de1d209dbe052085d5.png

Image Name: Influential Q.PNG
Filename: 9928e3c6ad765cb605ee46e7d5b8388f4c61d9ce4f7a612e578d5769def40cc1.png


Image Name: DzpRF05XcAAv49t.jpg
Filename: dccf947e9ddd8b1cacf654698978090eded006e958d7312dcfbc6bc37e4c0fac.jpg

Image Search Tags:

The World is waking up to the TRUTH.
Expect 'attacks' to dramatically intensify across all platforms.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 18:28:16 ID: 6ab280
8chan/qresearch: 5230278
They knew the 'reach' then.
Think about now.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 18:23:28 ID: 6ab280
8chan/qresearch: 5230180

How do you infiltrate the MSM?
[Example 1]
ABC NEWS exec producer Ian Cameron married to Susan Rice (Nat Sec Advisor - HUSSEIN)?
CBS NEWS/CNN Journ Bianna Vitalievna married to Peter R Orszag (Dir of Office of Mgmt/Budget - HUSSEIN)?
CBS NEWS president David Rhodes brother of Ben Rhodes (Del Nat Sec Advisor - HUSSEIN)?
ABC NEWS correspondent Claire Shipman married to Jay Carney (WH Press Sec - HUSSEIN)?
MSM = arm/extension of the [D] party?
Nothing to See Here.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 17:13:42 ID: 31fd98
8chan/qresearch: 5229045

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 17:04:54 ID:31fd98
8chan/qresearch: 5228903
Image Name: DzlpRPbVsAEYuyS.jpg-large.jpg
Filename: 4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a5858fa8a426c84e45826ea09759535dcdb354c.jpg
Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?
What Bill did the Senate recently pass re: lynching?
Who were the authors of the Bill?
What FF event took place just prior to the passing of the Bill?
Did the FF event involve a 'noose'?
Did the FF event sway Senators in their decision to prevent FAKE NEWS attacks re: Smollett case?
Did FAKE NEWS contact many Senators prior to vote seeking out pro/nay in attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for possible future smear?
What is the mathematical probability of these [2] events occurring within this same time period?
What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?
Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?
Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure?
These people are sick!

Image Name: DbgWwt6V4AA-nua.jpg
Filename: 2509d7891784be38c597e7caaf12191eff7e525f307656c9e9ce5ffc45a374ca.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 17:04:54 ID: 31fd98
8chan/qresearch: 5228903

Image Name: DzlpRPbVsAEYuyS.jpg-large.jpg
Filename: 4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a5858fa8a426c84e45826ea09759535dcdb354c.jpg

Image Search Tags:
Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?
What Bill did the Senate recently pass re: lynching?
Who were the authors of the Bill?
What FF event took place just prior to the passing of the Bill?
Did the FF event involve a 'noose'?
Did the FF event sway Senators in their decision to prevent FAKE NEWS attacks re: Smollett case?
Did FAKE NEWS contact many Senators prior to vote seeking out pro/nay in attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for possible future smear?
What is the mathematical probability of these [2] events occurring within this same time period?
What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?
Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?
Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure?
These people are sick!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 16:29:49 ID: 047c3c
8chan/qresearch: 5228320

What happens when Russia gives you up?
Will the C_A protect you?
Sleep is important.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 15:17:28 ID: 17e025
8chan/qresearch: 5227163

Image Name: DzCaIkzV4AElMlo.jpg
Filename: fe7720ad57647408f50cda150271039a088c4abb31f38045f5485375b2828dc6.jpg

Image Search Tags:
WHITAKER remain DOJ senior staff?
Senior counselor in the associate attorney general’s office?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 15:01:21 ID: 1e4b59
8chan/qresearch: 5226902

Image Name: Drae7NBU4AAyGLC.jpg
Filename: d4c5bed4a86755bda1fffd7267b329bc3c8c6d32435bd6e36ec2cd5c64ade9b4.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 14:13:22 ID: 983433
8chan/qresearch: 5226005

Anonymous 02/17/2019 14:06:48 ID:117797
8chan/qresearch: 5225833
Image Name: dubious.gif
Filename: cce101c1d62410583bf898eccac3b21bd94805b9d08b7fab8e0593be12e48b5e.gif

Rocking gif overlay

Image Search Tags:

Great work, Patriot.
Slowing will further highlight.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 14:02:12 ID: 983433
8chan/qresearch: 5225693

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:56:11 ID:0d42aa
8chan/qresearch: 5225562
Image Name: dmv illegals drivers licenses and 2016 election maps.png
Filename: 101aadad58c2cc504d3d8b2d59d38aa3512e541f56450384107a4dfc92840afb.png

Good stuff

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:59:05 ID: 983433
8chan/qresearch: 5225610

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:51:51 ID:8d974e
8chan/qresearch: 5225482
Image Name: potus34714.jpg
Filename: 179096dab5fe9c29846d9b0b74a0221b57acbae5994b81812067f051a6616efb.jpg

2 Q posts

2 POTUS tweets

All within a one minute delta

Image Search Tags:

Think about why separated both maps (2 posts) instead of placing both in the orig.
At what point is it mathematically impossible?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:50:30 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225435

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:47:11 ID:3702f7
8chan/qresearch: 5225342
Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: 1f92ed39f4d8cb7fedc74e294217704893136dd48cef56e5ae23ab6ee8444e88.png

Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: ac0b9d51f3232227aa0a41895f988ff37ce7fc9efaf2fdd5a10b21520c9b5930.png

[0] Delta from today, and the last [0] delta.
16 total now!

Image Search Tags:

Thank you, Patriot.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:49:11 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225391

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:44:39 ID:981c9f
8chan/qresearch: 5225271
Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: dedeb3d79e2956bfafe74037ee21398610e053b2b6269fdd2e22f1351667d7d8.png


Image Search Tags:

You are the news now.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:43:25 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225232

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:39:41 ID:da4c89
8chan/qresearch: 5225131
Image Name: CE6A50E6-C4D9-4315-8D29-6CA295EE2857.jpeg
Filename: 757b9d594ca42c5531c40ef2882c2cc91ff2299739372be688e2ae9d3335b550.jpeg

Image Name: B07F5FF9-37FB-491F-B23C-75483ABF7DEA.jpeg
Filename: ea45800b36bacb7cfba2abe5fe8db3e26c941c977f2c2c2bb21daebe1a6e3adc.jpeg

Image Name: C52279F1-8188-4166-86D3-EF613F62116F.jpeg
Filename: 8db32e94ab6fc83d661d379f59f6983cb70b49c2114e783428982756383287f7.jpeg

Image Name: 7CAACA62-0C53-4F9B-88C3-8D39BFA881A5.jpeg
Filename: 19508e3470e417abd4784001460c650ba7c824eb8233c0ee7c632328708a2b31.jpeg

2 [0] Deltas guys 2

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:40:58 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225162

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:38:25 ID:debff0
8chan/qresearch: 5225105
Image Name: DOUBLE 0 DELTA.png
Filename: 28f00a9242ecf7246f3e5bf205751ffde2d66defbf572088b243b4708276412e.png

Yet another blattant Q proof:


Trump team is with us today friends!

Image Search Tags:

We love our Memes, don't we folks?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:39:14 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225124

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:38:05 ID:25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225094
Image Name: DbjwzpfW4AEnugF.jpg
Filename: 0b53efe60af0227405bf4f4e56cee6dd0cc651bb029050666df9293a5e3e07c8.jpg

Date posted (early)?
Oct 31 2017
Prior to the black pop awakening?
Why did we emphasize as important?
When you are awake we can see clearly.

Image Search Tags:

Swap 'we' for 'you'.
On the move.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:38:05 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5225094

Anonymous 02/17/2019 13:29:31 ID:d4d3e6
8chan/qresearch: 5224943
Image Name: Q_BiteCrumbs_20171101_black pop.png
Filename: cf3568f5119df785eceb70774e6200ef2cc439c7486a0ec757ad9f3dc5424879.png

black pop waking up?

Image Name: DbjwzpfW4AEnugF.jpg
Filename: 0b53efe60af0227405bf4f4e56cee6dd0cc651bb029050666df9293a5e3e07c8.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Date posted (early)?
Oct 31 2017
Prior to the black pop awakening?
Why did we emphasize as important?
When you are awake we can see clearly.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:29:07 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5224934

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:28:46 ID:25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5224931
Image Name: DL_Map_July2015.gif
Filename: 87a4a7fbe93e97b8d5d889e69d193df2cd66445efe6380159e97d4b6113bfb49.gif
It's very simple - w/o the illegal vote D's lose.
Previous illegal imm high pop v D win by county provided.
[Example 2]
Why do D's push for illegals to obtain a driver's license?
Does having a DL make it easier to vote?
What states provide DL's to illegals?
What checks are in place within each of the 'DL granted states' to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?
Compare v. 2016 Presidential election results.
What do you notice?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Memes are important.

Image Name: 2016 E Results.jpg
Filename: 0c49c032ad5c6267c506acd055fcca03c022a00eee386de44bace0fb01b29354.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 13:28:46 ID: 25f1af
8chan/qresearch: 5224931

Image Name: DL_Map_July2015.gif
Filename: 87a4a7fbe93e97b8d5d889e69d193df2cd66445efe6380159e97d4b6113bfb49.gif

Image Search Tags:
It's very simple - w/o the illegal vote D's lose.
Previous illegal imm high pop v D win by county provided.
[Example 2]
Why do D's push for illegals to obtain a driver's license?
Does having a DL make it easier to vote?
What states provide DL's to illegals?
What checks are in place within each of the 'DL granted states' to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?
Compare v. 2016 Presidential election results.
What do you notice?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Memes are important.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 03:37:17 ID: 095247
8chan/qresearch: 5220101

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:55:58 ID: 1176a5
8chan/qresearch: 5219492

Anonymous 02/17/2019 02:48:23 ID:736a53
8chan/qresearch: 5219376
>>5218933 pb Q
These phrases below imply that Trump plans on following his constitutional rights no matter what he signed iin the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019” (the “Act”), which authorizes appropriations to fund the operation of a number of agencies in the Federal Government through September 30, 2019.
“My Administration will treat each of these provisions consistent with the President’s constitutional authorities with respect to foreign relations.”
“my Administration will continue the practice of treating provisions like these as advisory and non-binding.”
“My Administration will make appropriate efforts to notify the relevant committees before taking the specified actions and will accord the recommendations of such committees all appropriate and serious consideration, but it will not treat spending decisions as dependent on the approval of congressional committees.”

You are the news now.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:42:34 ID: 3c93e1
8chan/qresearch: 5219298

Anonymous 02/17/2019 02:40:37 ID:00b7e9
8chan/qresearch: 5219261
I trust Potus
And I trust the LORD.
The Lord is leading Potus, of that I'm certain.

The Lord is leading us all.
Good v Evil
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:40:47 ID: 3c93e1
8chan/qresearch: 5219265

Anonymous 02/17/2019 02:35:43 ID:003cde
8chan/qresearch: 5219185
Trumps statement is brilliant Deep State loaded the bill with multiple facets to block it and his white house statement just released systemically points out section by section where they tried to block him and he's countering that by citing presidential and constitutional authority.

Shall we play a game?

#WWG1WGA #Qanon #PATRIOTS #TheGreatAwakening

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:38:41 ID: 3c93e1
8chan/qresearch: 5219223

Anonymous 02/17/2019 02:28:12 ID:551384
8chan/qresearch: 5219066
Image Name: Screenshot_2019-02-16 Statement by the President The White House.png
Filename: 239bda8aa3de00b658273899798b0f5d06c83c36f9b0484b27d0955140a556ad.png

Image Search Tags:

Trust your President!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:27:09 ID: 3c93e1
8chan/qresearch: 5219050

Anonymous 02/17/2019 02:21:10 ID:10988f
8chan/qresearch: 5218953
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.443 📁
Nov 10 2018 12:44:56 (EST)
The 'Scaramucci' Play
Temp hire to remove embedded 'untrustworthy' staffers?
Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted.
Think Whitaker.

Image Name: 51096BA5-34C3-403C-8269-4D9703D165EF.png
Filename: 48af9945fcc3380947326cdb490535de0e08b55ab52479718d6d174d00e1e808.png

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:20:13 ID: 3c93e1
8chan/qresearch: 5218933

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 02:04:57 ID: 3c93e1
8chan/qresearch: 5218735

Anonymous 02/17/2019 00:48:15 ID:1f5f56
8chan/qresearch: 5217756
Former top FBI lawyer: 2 Trump cabinet officials were ‘ready to support’ 25th Amendment effort

Former top FBI lawyer James Baker, in closed-door testimony to Congress, detailed alleged discussions among senior officials at the Justice Department about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office, claiming he was told Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said two Trump Cabinet officials were “ready to support” such an effort.

During his testimony, Baker acknowledged he was not directly involved in the May 2017 discussions but testified over a two-day period in October that McCabe and Page came to him contemporaneously after meeting with Rosenstein for input in the days after Comey was fired by the president.


They were removed.
When was Page removed from the investigation?
What month?
July 2017? (Early)
When was Scaramucci hired?
July 2017? (Late)
Re: the ‘Scaramucci’ model
Those who left (majority) did not have a choice.
ALL remained pro MAGA and loyal to POTUS?
Why are we attacked by pro MAGA?
The ‘establishment’ runs deep.
Logical thinking.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/17/2019 00:39:30 ID: 62a42e
8chan/qresearch: 5217608

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