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Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/11/2018 14:47:56 ID: 5bc869
8chan/qresearch: 339123

Think BDT NYC ‘attempt’ & Barlow.
Not stated for verification of credibility.
Why are we still here given foreknowledge of events?
No FBI investigation into this?
Impossible to locate?
Less than 10.
Who are we talking to?
Since Clown takedown of black_ops loc/public exposure what has changed here?
Expand your thinking.
This is not a game.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/05/2017 16:09:28 ID: 7cfe10
8chan/cbts: 38537

Anonymous 12/05/2017 16:05:57 ID:04e025
8chan/cbts: 38504
List of politicians not seeking re-election
Bob Corker, R
Charlie Dent, R
Jeff Flake, R
John Duncan, R
Bob Goodlatte, R
Jeb Hensarling, R
Lynn Jenkins, R
Sam Johnson, R
Frank LoBiondo, R
Tim Murphy, R
Ted Poe, R
Dave Reichert, R
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R
Lamar Smith, R
Pat Tiberi, R
Dave Trott, R
Carol Shea-Porter, D
Gene Green, D
Joe Barton, R
John Delaney, D
Luis V. Gutierrez, D
Niki Tsongas, D
John Conyers, D
Sandy Levin, D

Draining the swamp?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/24/2017 16:19:45 ID: 7W57HuKG
4chan/pol: 150767674

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