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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/29/2018 13:23:11 ID: 4742d7
8chan/qresearch: 2784740

Anonymous 08/29/2018 13:03:26 ID:3a7f37
8chan/qresearch: 2784450
Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: ae0cfa0ed47df02350b466746cc8da3ee7bf6d8b04cc78197e48092f081df8c5.png

Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: 2626e8d16865a64aa3a94edae0f40f2cb143d7902bb9c6b34bb39225c7582e19.png

Special Prosecutor Tapped by Sessions to Investigate FISA Abuses HAS NOT Interviewed Bruce Ohr

In March, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he would not be appointing a second special counsel to investigate crimes committed by Obama’s FBI and DOJ.

Rather, AG Sessions revealed U.S. Attorney John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating FISA abuses.

U.S. Attorney John Huber was first appointed to his position by Barack Obama in 2015.

Five months into John Huber’s FISA abuse investigation and he still has not interviewed twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr.

Ohr is a key player in the FISA abuse scandal, so why hasn’t he been interviewed by Huber or Mueller??

Bruce Ohr was acting as a backchannel for dossier author Christopher Steele after the FBI terminated him in November of 2016 for breaking protocol by leaking to the media.

“More of a reason to wonder how effective a US Attorney [John Huber] can be cleaning up corruption in Washington when he’s based in Salt Lake City,” investigative reporter, Paul Sperry said.

Investigative reporter John Solomon also revealed Tuesday that Robert Mueller hasn’t interviewed Bruce Ohr either.

Bruce Ohr arrived at Capitol Hill Tuesday morning for a closed-door grilling from House Oversight and House Judiciary members over his contacts with dossier author Christopher Steele.

GOP lawmakers said Tuesday afternoon that Bruce Ohr was being cooperative and answering questions at the closed-door deposition.

Bruce Ohr, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson may be called back to testify together to iron out the discrepancies in their testimonies.

What exactly is Mueller and Huber doing if they are not questioning key players like Bruce Ohr??

Mueller’s investigation into Russian “collusion” appears to be designed not to protect the country but to protect his former FBI/DOJ regime and their political espionage crimes, says Sperry.

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Logical thinking!
How did this FAKE/MISLEADING story pop up?
Hannity 8.28.18
[24:50] - "Rec - Huber contact my office re: BO"
[30:45] - "Just learned BO was not interviewed by Huber"
[30:45] based on comments re: [24:50]
[24:50] statements made by (1) Congressman who does NOT know if Huber has already interviewed BO.
See how FAKE NEWS works?
See how CLICKBAIT works?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/15/2018 19:50:08 ID: 7fb039
8chan/qresearch: 2617682

Anonymous 08/15/2018 19:48:25 ID:2d3aec
8chan/qresearch: 2617647
Image Name: 23lkj43l2j4l2kj34l234.png
Filename: 3736edfbfe3f13d0fc56eab8f22a891283b5dfff3c75288aaccf72496d8c94e5.png

allright anons .. we need to find all matches for THIS "charm"

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Compare pool of V w/ painting of kids in pool (red shoes).
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/15/2018 17:33:12 ID:
8chan/patriotsfight: 159

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