Direct Drop/Tweet numbers selected: 2080,2008,2800,280,208,820,802,082,028,8020,8002,8200
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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/18/2019 16:34:26 ID: c4e591
8chan/qresearch: 5248952

Anonymous 02/18/2019 16:30:37 ID:f50c7d
8chan/qresearch: 5248831
Image Name: ClipboardImage.png
Filename: 5502790568eec331aa4a0bc31d8720ca1e710fa85c472d167eb89cc2e7d6fb19.png


Found the camera

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/04/2018 13:47:53 ID:
8chan/patriotsfight: 180

Image Name: DmRHzKvXsAEfFMS.jpg
Filename: 10eec2b05dd7121a9e8478397ad6d18fdaca02318545269bac5ac25882a9754d.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/30/2018 17:13:56 ID: 23654a
8chan/qresearch: 2803535

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/30/2018 17:05:11 ID:23654a
8chan/qresearch: 2803371
Emotions cloud judgement.
Why is 'Huber' being discussed now?
What if the TX Congressman was not supposed to drop that name?
Why is 'Huber' being discussed now?
Why is 'Huber' (all of a sudden) being grouped into the 'Anti-Sessions' remove, fire, ….nothing being done?
Discussed by Right or Left?
Huber did not 'directly' interview….[insert name]?
Huber did not…….
Huber did not…….
Sessions did not…….
Sessions did not…….
When will Sessions…….
When will Sessions…….
Who does Huber work with specifically?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Team of 470?
Will BO transcripts be released?
Huber + IG + 470?
Inside or outside of the DC [SWAMP]?
How many members of Congress not seeking re-election?
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE not seeking re-election?
How many Senators have resigned or not seeking another term?
How many (senior) FBI have been removed?
How many (senior) DOJ have been removed?
Nothing to See Here.
We should 'attack' them 'head on'….in DC….using a 2nd SC….
Emotion clouds judgement.

We should 'attack' while 'corrupt' members of the DOJ, FBI, NY_AG….are still in place…….
We should use a 2nd SC in DC [SWAMP] [team of 20] and wait 2-4 years and hope for the best w/ NO CONTROL.
Logical thinking ELIMINATES emotional nonsense.
BIG rally tonight.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/23/2018 18:55:08 ID: 3f8788
8chan/qresearch: 476339

Anonymous 02/23/2018 18:54:10 ID:3f8788
8chan/qresearch: 476325
No coincidences.
Expand your thinking.

Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/21/2018 20:20:23 ID:
8chan/greatawakening: 452

Image Name: [2].png
Filename: a7ffb193423f0a5573ceeefe7c2a7863d1fc6d1559e28d93af78f63e36cdceed.png

Image Search Tags:

1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/2017 20:58:51 ID: 6f5bab
8chan/cbts: 45541

Watch the news.
Leakers exposed.
These people are stupid.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/23/2017 00:01:22 ID: 66o6MRSe
4chan/pol: 150562337

Rizvi Traverse Management.
Very important.
Anonymous 11/05/2017 00:49:24 ID: v3eCc2tY
4chan/pol: 148020085

[Repost]Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.
Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.
Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.
Anonymous 11/01/2017 01:59:01 ID: grTMpzrL
4chan/pol: 147451052

Anonymous 11/01/2017 01:48:01 ID:dugFL8Fh
4chan/pol: 147450119
Image Name: Spy.png
Filename: 1509515281385.png

>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies
During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National
Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were
deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with
civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year
after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout
this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on
Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive
activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal
information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an
effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and
to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to
watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread
disinformation. 2
' According to one report, the Army had at least one
observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28
The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:
Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing
civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of
state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout
the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian
population expressed their sentiments about government
policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public
meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed
people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who
sympathized with the dissenters.

>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.

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Well done. Picture being painted.
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