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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/07/2019 11:57:38 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 97
What happens when people don't conform to their rule?
What happens when people cannot defend themselves?
Why do [D]'s want to abolish the 2nd amendment?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What did the Framers of the Constitution fear the most?
"–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–"
We, the People.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/07/2019 11:42:24 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 96

Image Name: Dxn_Rd9UUAAPmNk.jpg
Filename: 4575ed9ed5141bbbc541e820c930eaf0027b9b114ea27a0f7936d22a620d3a3e.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Relevant to today re: F assets.
Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical.
Untouchable re: State backed?
Epstein thought so.
Puppets & Puppet Masters.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/06/2019 17:12:14 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 95

Image Name: EJ2Oco4W4AEevKu.png
Filename: d6b20beda2a42d77f5323eb19d8da08da4b8fb015ac2b69d4c5646c20ef3c979.png

Image Search Tags:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/06/2019 15:54:40 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 94

Image Name: 3c521ab456ce856dc229e8261968ae3c2acadab490338ae839311880caffa89c.png
Filename: 2e23622499351f3e14ca805d792b52f1437d69440f42a8090e7a34da897fb0bf.png

Image Search Tags:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/06/2019 15:52:47 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 93

Image Name: ELIT8fvWoAIL2GZ.jpg
Filename: 5b394584ef50ebd6800b480cce90188fbb877f57826bb87cffada675f1710889.jpg

Image Search Tags:

People actually believe those responsible for stealing billions of US taxpayer dollars will actually go unpunished?
"This is not simply another four-year election." - POTUS
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/06/2019 15:48:08 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 92

Image Name: ELIZFpfU0AAfYCg.png
Filename: 55f970e2297b26994ec0d11119e16d9cfd85a5974d69e33ee443f610f465d22a.png

Image Search Tags:

People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?
End to our Constitutional Republic?
No equal justice under the law?
No accountability?
Escape unscathed?
Enjoy the show!
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/06/2019 15:17:21 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 91

Image Name: ELGdSUSXYAMfvHN.jpg
Filename: 76e5eef37501086b1fd8f2bff51b1537d78acaf84dbc4f504860ccbe041846ae.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/03/2019 21:49:36 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 90

Image Name: 8f124130698bc112de2978e8b24719b1cb5114516bdc9d56f10796273940267f.jpg
Filename: 8f124130698bc112de2978e8b24719b1cb5114516bdc9d56f10796273940267f.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/03/2019 19:59:46 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 89

Image Name: CA.jpg
Filename: fe1f4de7ac56cfc5d2f48a7cb9fc180a771283bb0c176b64bc479ab093c1a1c8.jpg

Image Search Tags:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/03/2019 13:43:47 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 88

Image Name: ParisEF.png
Filename: 261cf5a06f13ff783dbae1becedd3307a0d0b86ef79dc97dfb9ede881f179f94.png

Image Search Tags:
Who audits where the money actually goes?
What % is typically categorized as costs?
How to 'steal' taxpayer money?
The 'Con':
>Determine 'topic(s)' that have emotional pull (connect) on 'vocal' types
>Create media blitz [scare] campaign ('talking points')('alarmist')
>Use 'pro-narrative minded' authorities on subject to provide foundation to support
>Deploy 'circular reporting' and 'group-think' tactics (echo chamber) to artificially raise 'public outcry'
>Use 'public outcry' to justify billion dollar taxpayer spend
Who audits where the money goes?
% to original mandate?
Salary of a US Senator?
Salary of a US Congressman/woman?
Salary of a US President?
Salary of a US Vice President?
Net worth pre_office?
Net worth post_office?
How do elected officials become mega/multi-millionaires?
Logical thinking.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/02/2019 18:55:23 ID: 735c71
8kun/qresearch: 7414768

Anons, why would we provide the date of the FISA release?
Logical thinking.
Ammunition is finite.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/02/2019 18:45:47 ID: 735c71
8kun/qresearch: 7414599

Image Name: LisaMI6.png
Filename: 400b6580ca4a55b00532697db8314d0dedc2c4fb41918d30dd27ce94b5886b8e.png

Image Search Tags:

Be ready, Anons.
Public awakening coming.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/02/2019 15:29:13 ID:
8kun/projectdcomms: 26

Image Name: DKhq1x.jpg
Filename: 32c7c35d57e0e8b2571fe0a86baf33193aa6b6d9ee786631ca316c15f87adb94.jpg

Image Search Tags:
Why are the largest media co's in the world constantly attacking this so-called 'conspiracy'?
People awake = greatest fear.
Information Warfare.
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