883 (19) (1) Epoch: 1520553174 (33) (6) Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/08/2018 18:52:54 ID: 8744ac
8chan/qresearch: 592798Q Clock [ Min: 31 | :25/:55 Mir: 19 | 180 Mir: 1 | :35/:05 Mir: 39 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:4:20 (seconds total: 260) (8) (8)
Epoch: 1520552914 (34) (7)
Anonymous 03/08/2018 18:48:34 ID:83f0b1 8chan/qresearch: 592731
Was necessary. China produces 10x as much steel as US. What if war breaks out?
Matter of national security, geopolitics …to prevent war, peace trough strength.
+ deliberate performance issues to impact military / infrastructure.
We were sold out.
You have so much more than you know.