Delta to next: 4 D_11:55:24 (seconds total: 388524) (30) (3)
656 (17) (8) Epoch: 1517456811 (39) (3) Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/31/2018 22:46:51 ID: 6f3736
8chan/qresearch: 230091Q Clock [ Min: 55 | :25/:55 Mir: 55 | 180 Mir: 25 | :35/:05 Mir: 15 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:3:21 (seconds total: 201) (3) (3)
Epoch: 1517456610 (36) (9)
Anonymous 01/31/2018 22:43:30 ID:cad939 8chan/qresearch: 230019
some incident with Adam SHIT happened at a hotel and was covered up. He is repaying the favor by trying to cover this up. Anons, we are looking for a death cover-up of AS doing
How ‘they’ control those they need.
One recent example.
Relevant today.