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Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/15/2018 14:12:42 ID: 0f16d4
8chan/qresearch: 387462

Anonymous 02/15/2018 14:01:43 ID:477b1d
8chan/qresearch: 387356

James Dolan. Dead suicide

Aaron swartz. Dead suicide

Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press

Securedrop freedom of the press

Freedom of the press. John Barlow/Snowden/assange/John Cusack/Daniel Ellsberg/Glenn Greenwald/Laura Poitras

Snowden/Cusack. Things that can and cannot be said

Daniel Ellsberg Pentagon papers

Glenn Greenwald/Snowden The Guardian

Laura Poitras/ Snowden. The Program. William Binney

John Barlow VP Algae Systems treating waste water

Barlow/Clark burning man

Gen Clark anti Trump. WestPAC supports Clintons

I think the KEY is the media changing the narrative using securedrop. Which is dictated heavily by Snowden

The big question who controls Snowden

>James Dolan. Dead suicide
>Aaron swartz. Dead suicide
>Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press
John Perry Barlow - 187 post name [DROP].
You are now a liability.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/10/2018 04:00:34 ID: 237dde
8chan/qresearch: 324651

Image Name: C879615C-3616-402C-B3F6-81….png
Filename: 47f0cf9d5c29118beb9ae0ae4cd8cc1ec1e20b31c26e84c0aceb4c5073f20e3e.png

Image Search Tags:

Anonymous 11/05/2017 00:15:27 ID: v3eCc2tY
4chan/pol: 148016731

[Repost Lost]
Follow HUMA.
Who connects HRC/CF to SA?
Why is this relevant?
Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?
Who has ties to the MB?
Who is Awan?
What is the Awan Group?
Where do they have offices?
Why is this relevant?
Define cash laundering.
What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?
Why is this relevant?
Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials?
What does SA obtain in exchange for payment?
Why is access important?
What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016?
How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16?
HRC lost.
Loss of access/power/control.
Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how?
Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran?
Why wasn't Congress notified?
Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'?
Who has access to 'State Secrets'?
Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?
Did the planes all land in the same location?
How many planes carried the cash?
Why is this relevant?
What does this have to do w/ NK?
What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations?
What does this have to do w/ ISIS?
What does this have to do w/ slush funds?
Why is SA so vitally important?
Follow the money.
Who has the money?
What is happening in SA today?
Why is this relevant?
Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz?
What events transpired directly thereafter?
How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA?
Why is this relevant?
What is the meaning of this tradition?
What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS?
Why is this relevant?
Was that an instruction of some kind?
To who?
Why is this relevant?
Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent?
Why is that relevant?
What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects.
What US operators are currently in SA?
Why is this relevant?
Questions provide answers.
Alice & Wonderland.
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