Delta to next: 34 D_11:22:4 (seconds total: 2978524) (37) (10)
93 (12) (3) Epoch: 1509865560 (45) (9) Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:06:00 ID: cS8cMPVQ
4chan/pol: 148032210Q Clock [ Min: 28 | :25/:55 Mir: 22 | 180 Mir: 58 | :35/:05 Mir: 42 ]
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:2:20 (seconds total: 140) (5) (5)
Epoch: 1509865420 (40) (4)
Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:03:40 ID:yY946/MZ 4chan/pol: 148031978
Is HRC just a puppet and the goal is to take down her minders and the real kingpins?
HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.
She's now on her own and fighting for her life.